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Friday, 29 June 2012

“Love” “Faith” “Hope”

            Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection.

           Hope is the emotional state which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope is the "feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best".
           Faith is confidence or trust in a person or entity. Also defined as firm belief in something for which there is no proof.

Three different entities but when combined together can make a persons life complete and a reason to pull along. Some think that all the little things spoken in this post may be totally not necessary or uncalled for. But I am person who likes to convey my emotions and thoughts right out clear, so for the moment these three words make a significantly important part of my life. “Life is like a Tetris puzzle you fill in every block where you think is right at the moment unknown what new type of blocks await as you go level higher in life.” Some blocks that put in help you to score whereas some blocks might easily create trouble in your progress in the game of life. Here in the post I am not planning to tell you what you should do under such conditions or how you have to mange your game in order to pass it with the maximum highest score possible. All I want or intent to do is set your thoughts into thinking mode, after you complete reading this with the thought of how well you connect with me as an author.
Right from the time we are born to time we wither away from this life of ours we always have an objective; some necessary, some not necessary. In strive to accomplish this part of our life we always do things that we think is right, unknown that all of it is one way or the other connected to the feelings said above. For example: I as an author right now live with this HOPE that you as my readers would read the post. You as a reader would have a FAITH in me that as an author, I may have written something worth reading and pondering upon. And both this felling bundle upon maybe the LOVE between both you as the reader and me as the writer. In the last 22 years of my life I would say I have seen pretty much a lot of the feeling said above. But one thing I am very ascertaining about is that there is still a lot more awaiting.

Silly little four letter and five letter words. Some joke over it. Some godly believe in it. I neither do both to it, because when I start doing either of the both, I am not thinking straight as a person should do. I have my loved ones around me my friends, my family and my very special one. Like I do have people around me I am ascertain that you also have those special ones around you who make you feel special and wanted all along. That’s how it should be for a person to be happy and wake up everyday for a reason to be. You might have watched lots of movies in both Hollywood and Bollywood that depict the feelings. Some connect to us some don’t this all depends on the situation that we would be in at that very instance. People mostly assume love leads the main role in controlling the other two feelings. But I will contradict it because even without any love for a person we at times hope and have faith over an entity. Think over it and I am ascertaining, you would also feel the thoughts I share is true to some good extent. A good example would be our hope that we would get a certain stuff from a person be it friend or a stranger it does not depend upon the bond of love we share with or for the person. I don’t plan to write much on this topic individually on this post as I feel maybe I can write better in the feelings felt individually in different posts.

Words seem to get exhausted as I write this prologue of mine because there are certain feeling that can only be felt and not written upon. But a feel to write pulls me to do so. Love, hope and trust as I said before works hand in hand but then there are incidents where these feeling true can lead to the downfall of a person. Desires as I would say to get all the three from our fellow mates lead us into the pit. We should live with the feeling but never allow only these feeling to drive us. We are a master and an author of our life, but when we entirely lend the reins of our life blind eyed into the hands of the person, we trust or love they can misuse it entirely or partially. Learn to trust your instincts but never your feelings. At the same time never totally ignore your feelings because they are the reason you want to live and pull your life along. 

I don’t think I may be an excellent writer, but I hope and have faith in myself. That somewhere while you were reading the post you may have thought about your loved ones, and thought about what you hope from them, and till what extent resides your faith in them.


  1. nice blog checkout mine on

    feel free to leave a comment

  2. thanks steve ya i sure will do the same

    1. Liked it bro, Specially the thought of invisible strings of faith hope and love keeping everything together.

      Keep writing.

    2. thanks da a lot for all that u have done for me and doing also ^_^

  3. is not all about excellent or what u can do its all about how u believe with FAITH, HOPE and LOVE...write with all of ur heart its a better than anything that u prove it..


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