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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Water -- An element of life

“Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.”

No saying could be truer; water is indeed the source of our life. In fact, it represents life itself. Be it drinking, washing, gardening, bathing, generating electricity, farming or any other activity; we simply can’t do without water. It wouldn’t be exaggerating if we say that next to oxygen, water is the most important of all our needs. Without water, life as we know it would cease to be.

Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water. From the fluffiness of snow to the tumultuous fury of the sea in a storm, from the hard feel of hail to the soft feel of raindrops, from a gurgling brook to a torrid river; water has an uncanny way of finding its way into our lives. It can be calm and peaceful as on a mountain lake or violent as on the high seas. Water just like us human beings has its moods and emotions.
Water, especially the ocean is like a treasure chest. It holds within its depts. Mysteries, wonders and creatures, plants and minerals that man cannot survive without. Have you ever realized that the ocean is the home of water? All water on earth is off on a journey. It makes way through woods, fields, mountains and the streets. It explores the earth and fills it with life and beauty. And then when it’s homesick, it finds its way back to its home – the ocean.

Nothing on earth can be hidden from water. It sucks out its inner most secrets and puts it on display for us to see. Be it the wilderness and greenery that we see in the rains, or the ugliness and destruction of our lives that is revealed during a flood or a cyclone. Nothing is concealed from water. It’s a magic thing……… a moving, living part of earth and us.

Sadly, just because there is so much of it around us, none of us think twice before wasting it. Salt water from the ocean maybe plenty, but we can’t drink it. This is why we need to try our best to save water; especially fresh, drinking water. And it isn’t too tough either. Simple things like not leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth or washing your face can help. Try and use a bucket instead of a shower as often as possible. In the same way, while watering your plants or cleaning your car don use a hose pipe. A bucket and tumbler will not just do the job; it will save a whole lot of water to.

See? Saving a resource as precious as water isn’t all hard! All you need is the desire and will to try. So learn more about water conservation….. And tell your family and friends about it also.


  1. makes sense!!good one...this reminds me of the projects dat i did,during my school days... on save ws really easy to keep talking...but we dont realise.... if we really practice what we will save many...good job posting it..!!!

    1. thank you Stegi for reading the post and telling me your comment about it hope you enjoy reading more of my post and will follow my blog

  2. Water is very precious indeed. We need to do all we can to preserve it and to use it wisely. It's an easy thing to waste because we don't really have to pay a high price to get it but it's not until we are restricted in it's use that we begin to value how precious it really is. Nice post.

    1. thank you for dropping in your valuable post people reading it may consider your thoughts also as an add on to the post so thank you again.


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